Defrosting Systems
SPM offer Lutetia machines for defrosting duties as they are the world leader with patented defrosting technology which is a step ahead of the competition.
Faced with the general use of frozen raw ingredients in the majority of industrial food preparations, the defrosting operation has become a key phase in the food transformation process.
Mastering this operation is essential as classic methods are too long and favour bacterial development. Furthermore, these 'classic' methods lead to losses in weight and of protein which disappear in the defrosted exudate.
Injectors / Tenderisers
SPM offer Lutetia's range of injectors and tenderisers for:
Injection: ham on the bone, ham, shoulder, bellies, sides, hocks, whole chickens, pieces of beef, turkey breasts, turkey thighs, tuna loins, salmon fillets, cod, ...
Injecting / Tenderizing: ham, shoulder, pieces of beef, turkey breast, ..
Injection / Tenderizing / Lacerating: ham, shoulder, pieces of beef, turkey breast, ..
For lower as for higher injection percentages, for products with or without bone, for delicate products, the LUTETIA injector / tenderisers are suitable for all your processes.
Robust, reliable and efficient LUTETIA injector / tenderisers are in demand by a great number of professionals. More than one thousand injectors are installed worldwide.
SPM offer Lutetia massager machines as an industry-leading option.
Principal applications:
Salting : produced meat, bellies, poultry fillets, blocks of meat, squid ...
Marinating : meat, poultry, fish..
Multi-industry applications:
Defrosting : produced meat, bellies, poultry fillets, blocks of meat, squid
Cooking / Rehydrating: meat for ready-made meals, starchy foods, tripe products...
Cooling / Freezing / Coating: food products
Pro-activation: of meat products
Today, thanks to a series of technical advances, the massager is used in applications as varied as defrosting, salting, seasoning, impregnating, marinating, rehydration, cooking, smoking, cooling, freezing and cryogenic coating.
Cooking and Smoking
SPM offer Lutetia Cooking and Smoking chambers to suit your requirements.
Defrosting : blocks of halibut, sardines, mackerel, hake fillets, grenadier, leg of lamb, haunch of venison, goat curd slabs, blocks of vegetables, ...
Cook / Pasteurise : ham, shoulders, patés, terrines, chicken, vacuum packed ready meals
Cure / Dry : bellies, sausages, magrets, herrings, mackerel, salmon, trout, cheese
The range of chambers for defrosting, cooking, steaming and smoking will meet all your requirements.
All Lutetia Chambers have these benefits :
A design that is ergonomic, precise and safe.
Modular construction which permits your installations to evolve.
Whether it is dry, or humid cooking, steaming, curing, smoking or defrosting, you will find a chamber adapted to your production.